
Showing posts from December, 2011

inner conflict

It's like there's this pressure in my chest. Mainly in my lungs. I'm totally winning the battle, but the darn buggers won't give up. I wish viruses could lose with grace. Speaking of grace, I am most definitely at my worst with respiratory illnesses. I can and do bear migraines without complaint on an average of a trimonthly basis; not so with colds. Thank goodness the frequency is greatly reduced: just 2-3 times a year. But still, I become more melodramatic, less patient, and a bit anhedonic. Guess I'm not a graceful winner.

Nursing: an occupational hazard

Fear not, those who know about HIPPA, I do not plan to reveal any patient personal information. But I feel the need to write. Actually, that might be a nursing tendency. I swear most of my days at work are spent writing updates on the patient. I know it's necessary, but sometimes I wish I could just do more of the stuff that the words I write tell stuff about [is anyone picking up these "How to Train your Dragon" references?]. [+(;-)     This is a nursing emoticon. notice the hat So, little nursing stories, ones where I get to put my feelings in right alongside the facts: I think the hardest days are when patients are in pain, not only because I feel bad for the patient, but because it can get stressful figuring out what pain medication works, or tracking down doctors to prescribe pain medication, and then waiting for the medication to come up from pharmacy. I'm sure the patients get very frustrated with it all. I wish we had time to have a little conference wi