
Showing posts from April, 2012

my quick attempt at being a weatherwoman

I had an epiphany last night listening to the traffic on the street. Despite the more or less monotone weather in Houston, we do have seasons. I know summer is here because I can hear the bug sprayer van out at night, keeping the mosquito population in check I will know fall's arrival mainly by summer's departure. the heat isn't as intense, and so more people will go outside during the day Winter manifests itself by the dead grass on people's lawns And lastly, Spring comes when the sidewalk, car, and even the house are covered with chalky, yellow pollen


As I mentioned here , I am a little directionally challenged. I mostly get myself around by leap-frogging to known highways. When I first walked around M.D. Anderson, I would point myself in the direction of a particular landmark, follow the signs to that point, and then find a new landmark that I knew was closer to where I needed to be. Elevator bank, to park, to skywalk, etc. It works for me. But I don't recommend it for life.  I wrote a paper in my freshman English college class about the perceived checklist that Latter-Day Saints give themselves in their lives. Get baptized. Graduate from high school and seminary. Go on a mission. Go to college. Find soulmate. Get married in the temple. Have babies. Graduate college. Get a full-time job, either as a parent or as the financial provider. Etc. I honestly don't remember what my conclusion was, but I'm pretty sure it spoke against these checklists. I find that I need a refresher course, because I had mentally put