
Showing posts from May, 2013

round and round we go

My first year back in Houston after college, I was all about cycling. That summer, I am pretty sure I cycled every day, along with doing several charity rides. Last year, I switched to running. From August to December, every day I wasn't working, I was running. I jumped from my first 5K to my first (and I swear my last) half marathon. This year, I seem to have found the mix of the two. I did a mud run last month (a post to come on this eventually), and this month I did my first charity cycling race in two years. I didn't train as officially as perhaps I should have. Sure, I've been going on a bike ride every week for about 5 months, with a month break in March, but that's hardly 'training.' The week of the ride, I rode the furthest I had in years: 40 miles, then 30 miles, then the 63 mile charity ride. That's a total of 133 miles last week, to add to approximately the 320 miles I had logged for the year so far. In other words, my butt hurts. But as my mom