
Showing posts from July, 2016

Expressions say 1000 words

I know I'm not a good liar. Fortunately, I'm not in a career where that comes up [and in case you're wondering how that can be when I work in a cancer hospital, the answer is I either tell the truth or tell the patient to ask their doctors]  and hopefully the people who want to be flattered don't talk to me. Actually, I usually hope that I'm not called upon to say anything. Turns out that's not enough. I am finally beginning to understand that I have an expressive face. It helps that various someones have told me that 5 or 6 times. [sometimes I can be dense. Or just inattentive.] I'm pretty sure some friends mentioned it to me in college. I know some of my co-workers have told me...usually they burst out laughing and say "your face!" and I'm assuming that they aren't talking about its general appearance. Plus there is this janitor who calls me the lady of a thousand faces; I think he often catches me when I'm frustrated with somet