
Showing posts from September, 2016

The Psychology Chaise

I'll start off by noting that Rorschach, of inkblot fame, had the great misfortune of having a German name in an English-dominated world, made worse by the fact that of the 9 letters in his name, only 2 of them are vowels. With that off my chest, I'll proceed with an abbreviated account of nursing work of the past 2 days. For some reason, moments of time-sensitive tasks decided to say, to heck with order, we want everything now! Two of my 3 patients had transport at their door  at the same time, while the third needed pain medicine. Then 2 of the 3 would call for pain medicine within 5 minutes [that's intentionally ambiguous] while the other needed help to the bathroom. Or the highly-anxious family of the even-more-anxious patient would say said individual needed the wires and tubing lines straightened out now  because it was bringing on an anxiety attack, and I would be trying to get a 4th patient pain medicine right before his  transport left. When I took my lunch