
Showing posts from March, 2018

Will Travel For Penguins

Remember that time my husband accidentally got  ZERO presents  from my family for Christmas, except for the one from me? Well, even the one from me fell through, because the day we were supposed to see the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey game in Dallas, I was breathtakingly sick. Thus, when Mark's birthday came around, I was nervous about my gift of going to see actual penguins at Moody Gardens in Galveston. I really worried I would get sick and ruin it. But I didn't! And we loved it! And we took so many pictures!! Penguins are such social animals! They really liked interacting with us. The artistic penguin Marley And my dad says I can't take good pictures! [actually, this was a total accident] They're snuggling! Monkey see monkey do. Look at Mark, look at me  There were other animals besides penguins at the aquarium in Moody Gardens, but that was our primary motivating factor to go. Notice that Mark is wearing his Pittsburgh Penguins hat; I