
Showing posts from August, 2019

Plants in the Medical Field

I've noticed that being a new nurse practitioner is significantly different than being a new nurse. In fact, the whole process is different. The best way I can describe it is comparing it to plants: nursing school was a lot of prep work to just vaguely understand the medical field--all of the harrowing [actually, yes, both meanings of the word. this is a great analogy, I can tell] and manuring and watering and planting--and then the New Nurse is gonna grow and experience life-outside-of-dirt and learn from all of the other Nurses, in various stages of growth, around her (or him. but it's usually her). I don't really feel like, as a new nurse practitioner, I was "emerging" from one world into another. It's more like I was already a flowering plant, but then I decided to become a flowering tree [Which, I realize, doesn't much happen in bona fide botany]. I already know what the medical field is, how the terrain lies in general, but now I'm supposed to f