
Showing posts from November, 2019

We play Host

Last weekend my youngest brother and his wife came to DC, making them our first official visitors. I wanted Jaron and Liz to experience the best we had to offer--which was an air mattress, couch, and cold cereal for breakfast. We don't own red carpet. Anyway, while I was still at work, Mark took them to see the National Gallery of Art, the Air and Space Museum, and probably other things but I wasn't there so I can't say. I joined them for a late lunch, and suggested that if they really wanted to get in the DC mood, they should join a protest group. Turns out they had passed a protest, but since it was anti-vaxers, they weren't inclined to join, and if they--all 3 of them--had protested the protest, they probably would have been insulted and injured. I think that's close enough to the true DC atmosphere that we agreed to cross that off the list. Because we are all adults, we decided it was naptime, which we heartily did for a couple of hours, making us late f

The Seattle Sun

* note: for some reason I can't add pictures. I will work on that. eventually.* If I ever move to Seattle, I'm renaming my blog " The Seattle Sun. " Because it's quirky and unforeseen and would make me laugh. Although honestly, the past 3 times I've visited Seattle, I've seen a good amount of sunshine. And also honestly, I could be overestimating the sun's sky presence because I was mostly in windowless rooms during the day, because that's the most appropriate place to have an oncology conference. [I don't actually think that; a cancer diagnosis now has a fair bit of hope in it because of the amount of research and money devoted to its relief.] The JADPRO  conference was recommended to me by coworkers, and when I saw that it was a) aimed at advanced practitioners, b) all about oncology, and c) in a city where friends of mine live, I signed right up. I stayed in a very-small temporary apartment place down by Pike's Market, and got awak