
Showing posts from April, 2020

Running is an Ordeal

[Writer's Note: I realize that purchasing exercise equipment, in addition to having a job, is a luxury right now. If you get annoyed, skip this post.] Near the beginning of March, Mark and I walked 30 feet to access our apartment gym--to find out that it was locked. This was before everything was closed, so we weren't sure if it was on purpose or if it was a mechanical error. Either way, we couldn't get in, which means I couldn't bike recumbent, and Mark couldn't improve his mile-time on the treadmill. We've been taking walks through different neighborhoods, and have discovered what a beautiful area we have tucked behind retail and construction zones...but it doesn't much help our hopes to get-in-shape. We could, of course, do what most people have done for centuries and run outside , but at this point in the stay-at-home saga, we are rather low on self-discipline. It's easier to keep our butts moving if the ground (aka treadmill track) beneath us