
Showing posts from December, 2021

God Hears You Whatever Way You Pray

 Lately, the prayers in my church congregation have been quite interesting.  There are a couple opportunities for prayer variations, because we have the opening prayer, prayer over sacrament bread, prayer over sacrament water, and the closing prayer. Normally the middle two are fairly consistent, because each is a written prayer that the priests read aloud. But a couple weeks ago, a new priest had the task of reading the prayer, and he read aloud the label "Blessing On The Water" too. I mean, he's not wrong... but it was unexpected. Then we had the closing prayer that seemed to include a timestamp for God's future reference: "On this morning, Sunday, November __ 2021, Our Father...." My personal favorite is the greeting-style: "Good Morning, Heavenly Father...." And we periodically get a person who begins with "Let us pray." That one is common-enough that it seems like just a different flavor of oration. Today the closing prayer seemed to