
Showing posts from May, 2022

We Walked All Over

 For the first time since moving to DC, this past weekend Mark and I acted like tourists. Technically I suppose we were hosts to my parents, who were tourists, but since I didn't actually know what I was doing, it feels strange to consider myself a host. Essentially, there were two parts: the Religious, and the Not Religious [but not irreligious]. Religious One of the museums we went to was the Museum of the Bible, which honestly I was suspicious about because balancing capitalism with spiritualism is a delicate thing. I liked this jar because it had a baby jar And there were parts that were a bit kitschy or overwrought (like the voiceover during the Virtual Reality of the Holy Lands), and parts that were overwhelming (like the collection of Bibles throughout the ages...or at least until the King James Version). And though I enjoyed the walk-throughs of the Old Testament and New Testament, I think my favorite part was talking with a Jewish scribe about the story of Hannah. Hannah i

Stop Ignoring the Women

 I would rather not write this post on Mothers' Day, but I suppose it is an appropriate topic. Actually, I'd rather not write this post at all, but I am so troubled by recent legal proceedings that the choices before me seem to be--write; or--become angry at everybody. I come to this topic as a woman, most obviously because I am one, but more to my intent, I come as a fierce defender of woman. That's not to say all women are great. There are plenty I don't like, and a few that sometimes I really hate, but  woman  is my primary viewpoint. And from that viewpoint, I am disgusted with the wave of legislation that is seeking to limit women's options in health. Please, just consider: is it fair to ban abortion but refuse to offer maternal support? Is it fair to put all of the financial burden of pregnancy and childcare on the woman when--last I checked--it takes two to make a baby? Is it fair to penalize just the woman? Look, I get it, life isn't fair...but we'