
Showing posts from July, 2022


When I first got into the nursing career, I worked at a cancer institution, and I hadn't really expected that, but since cancer is not its own clinical course in the university nursing curriculum, really I didn't have much expectation at all. I have loved the decade I spent working with cancer patients, and I had thought I would keep working with cancer patients...but that's not how life turned out.  Instead, flashback to my undergrad pharmacology and psychiatry clinical courses, when I had thought, Oh, this is not for me. I was terrible at keeping all the street drugs [and their side effects, and slang terms, and reversal agents] straight, and I definitely remember not liking my psychiatry nursing professor at all--yeah so back to present times, and that's roughly what my job is now. Go figure. My actual job, I admit, is not bonified psychiatry. I'm the medical nurse practitioner in charge of the general medical  care of all of the patients in the inpatient psych w