
Showing posts from October, 2022

Piano Project

 In an unexpected series of events, I got a free piano. There had been an upright piano on the Behavioral Health unit where I work, but because it had metal wires--making it a safety issue for patients who will diligently find a way to harm themselves--it had to be kept locked in a meeting room. It wasn't bothering anyone there, but once we started having morning rounds in-person again, the room was becoming quite crowded. Piano needed to go, I offered to take it, and voila, piano. Obviously in need of some elbow grease It actually hasn't yet left the building; I just moved it from the meeting room into my office one floor up [thank goodness for elevators. also for easy-going officemates].  exhibit A: laminate Once that was done, I consulted the World Wide Web for DIY piano renovations and related questions, which is how I learned that those piano keys are not ivory. I started disassembling it a piece at a time, taking home some of them, partly so that I could consult Mark, but