
Showing posts from April, 2023

Scavenger Hunt

 Logistically, it should have taken 30 minutes, tops. Drive there, pick-up dinner, pick-up cookies, drive back. Low-stress, high-reward [which really is part of the draw with enjoying restaurant food--no need to stress, because you're not cooking]. That's not what happened. The plan for the evening had started with me noticing a Texas-themed restaurant on Too Good To Go  [rescue food in your area from  participating restaurants and pay a third the price!]. Then, while looking up how to get there on Google Maps, I saw that a cookie shop was just around the corner  from our destination. Dinner, dessert--it's a date! What I hadn't considered is the nightlife of Adams Morgan [an area, not the person] on a Friday night. Or, more specifically, the nightlife's impact on parking.  Mark drove down streets, up streets, through intersections, and down alleys while we searched for some place to put the car. Nothing. The streets [which is where all the parking is, because in des