
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Failure of our Healthcare

 We live in a world full of opportunities.  By which I mean there are many things wrong, and so the options before you of what to fix are plenteous. Think of all the good we can do, fixing all the bad that there is! What luck! As such, I am delighted to present to you my complaints with my healthcare insurance company UnitedHealthcare. For context, I suffer from migraines. My first migraine happened in the middle of the night when I was still in elementary school. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. As far as I can recall, I did not have major stressors as a primary school student. And that was before puberty hormones complicated things, you know, so the odds of my migraines spontaneously disappearing--outside of divine miracles--are pretty slim. I have had MRIs, massages, physical therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic adjustments. I avoid caffeine, have cut down sugar consumption, and increased salt and water intake. Under the guidance of a neurologist, I have tried butterbur and magnesium supplement