
Showing posts from September, 2023


One of the surprising things about me is that, despite my sweet appearance and mostly-sweet demeanor, I tend to create a stir. It surprises me too, sometimes. I had my ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support), recertification class this past week, my 5th or 6th time taking it, and this one was definitely the most exciting. It started with an argument, and ended with an emergency-exit door alarm.  Both were my fault. Right, so let's dig in. On paper, the class started at 8am. As my last post explains, they don't accept latecomers. And they really hold that line.  When one of the participants entered the classroom where we were sitting waiting to get started—because, really, we had not started; the instructor was still logging into the computer, and that part is not a step in the ACLS algorithms—and was told she had to leave, I was pretty peeved on her behalf. [Probably because of my experience being late a couple weeks earlier; also likely influenced by an experience my first semest