Heat is a killer

This ain't no news flash, but it is hot in Texas. Usually temperatures don't go above 100 degrees, but factor in the humidity, which means reduced sweat evaporation and subsequent cooling, and it gets pretty miserable. The number of 'hot' days per year has doubled since 2010; I hope the trend doesn't stick. I just went on a walk around my neighborhood in my bare feet on the concrete, and really regret that; it's like walking on hot broken glass.
I wonder if early Texans were nocturnal before a/c was invented; it's quite pleasant in the evenings (starting at like 8:00pm), but otherwise I just stay indoors or in water.
When I go out of the state, people usually ask me how I can live there because it's so hot. Yeah, but you get used to it [which is mostly true.] And then you develop a huge Texas pride thing on it [which is completely true]. And at this point they will want to change the topic...

Ice cream! Good way to get your dairy and beat the heat. And work in the Texas pride again, because my favorite brand is Blue Bell Ice Cream, made right in Brenham, Texas. When a Blue Bell delivery truck passes me on the road, I consider maybe possibly commandeering the goods. Far more tempting than an armored truck's contents.
Heat + Blue Bell ice cream= undying love of Texas


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