
Sometimes I would really like a random name generator for my titles. I think it would also be helpful for when I start having kids. Ohh, my kids might hate me.

I've got to confess that speaking is NOT my strong point, due to several factors.
One, I actually have a hard time forming sounds. Something about having ear infections during a crucial language learning stage as a child. Anyway, I had to attend speech class until I was in 8th grade so that I could learn how to say 'r' and 's' instead of 'w' and 'sh.' Saying the word 'sit' has come with some interesting results. Or rather, interesting reactions. My apologies, BYU Morris Center.

Two, I have stage fright. I get nervous speaking in front of people. Even to the point that when I make a comment in class, I will turn red with the sudden attention. Unfortunately, as a fair-skinned red head, I tend to blush very easily and it is very noticeable. My skin is just desperate to match my hair.

Three, I tend to spout random thoughts. Oh, they deal in one way or another with the subject at hand, but I've got to admit that they come out weird.
I went out to dinner with a friend the other day, and the waiter started on a long explanation of all the different alcoholic drinks they had. Neither my friend nor I drink, so after he had got that off his chest, we ordered water. As becomes the customer-waiter relationship, we emptied our glasses, and he refilled them. At the third offer of a refill, I replied that I really didn't want to stay up all night. Now, I'm thinking that because of course eventually I'll have to pee, but I guess the proper context wasn't there, because he gave me a funny look and said, "Yeah, water will do that to you." Well, hey, Alyssa and I were the liveliest people in the restaurant, despite our lack of the 'social lubricant', so I guess the logical explanation was that somehow we got a kick out of water. Now that would be an interesting medical condition.
I'm suspicious that Alyssa brings out my more un-formed thoughts, because the very next day I ran into another one. I had somehow split my lower lip (I wish it was due to some dramatic fight, but actually I was just eating lunch with Alyssa when it started bleeding.) and I was thinking as we were walking around that it was difficult to say the "f" sound (teeth on a split lip is not too pleasant), so I told her that I could no longer say "f" words. And then my brain caught up with the normal context of that phrase. Whoops. I suppose it's only funny because I don't cuss.

My best communication is through the written word and through pre-formed thoughts, such as songs. Apropos, Alyssa and I went to Old MacDonald's farm.


I can say that.


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