oh, cheerio!

This post, from what I have conceived of it so far, portends to be extremely random. There is a common thread, I swear.

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I mostly faked pronouncing "r" through much of childhood. That, and the fact that I tended to use proper grammar AND large words led many people to believe that I was from England, or Australia, or Africa (I'm assuming they meant South Africa).  They are, if you stretch the definition of 'from,' all accurate. Most of my ancestors come from Great Britain, one at least was born in South Africa when his father went there during the Boer wars, and my father lived in Australia for 2 years. I doubt any of these facts played into my pronunciation, as I was born and raised in America. Probably the next most influential factor to my speech, besides my speech impediment, was the media I was raised with. Right after reading, say, The Hobbit, or watching Pride & Prejudice (the long version), I automatically speak like the characters. Must be a leftover infant trait of mimicry.

I was watching Castle the other day, and the main character joked that the killer must be a well-bred sort of fellow, as it appears that he strangled his victim with his pinky stuck out. Like tea. Not that I've done any research on this, but I rather doubt that sticking a pinky out is a sign of a well-bred, or even a British, person. 'Course, I do it anyway. I'll be drinking from a plastic water bottle and suddenly realize my pinky is out. Now isn't that classy.

I've composed a couple of exit lines for the British occasion:

-Now if you'll excuse me, it must be around tea-time.
-I'm expecting a gentleman caller to leave his card today


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