my words come back to bite me

I'm not much of a pet person. I have no idea what to do with them. Except fish. I think I can handle fish. I've considered trying to become a pet person, but I'm afraid I'll kill them. I pretty much ignore my roommate's dog, and she (the dog) pretty much ignores me. Minus the times she barks at me.
Anyway, so I really have not understood how some people treat their pets as family members, as far as time, money, and emotions invested.

Well, I think I'm changing my mind. Due to this as-yet un-named kitten:

I have no idea what kind she is. The cute kind. She's small, is easily entertained with string, and comes when called (current moniker is "kitty"). She sits on my lap and purrs, and I'm besotted.
And I'm even letting her near my face. Big progress for a germaphobe
I think the only thing that bothers me is that she was just weaned, and still tends to bite things. Like my toes, my fingers, and my ears. I think I should invest in a kitten pacifier. Thank goodness her jaw isn't very strong. The same can't be said for her claws:
Chalinor and her kitten
My roommate wants to know if I want my own kitten now. Since my family is allergic, I've declined, but it's pretty tempting.


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