
Showing posts from November, 2012

"A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you've been taking." Earl Wilson

Short version of my post: Basically, I went on vacation (yay!!!), slept little, and laughed much. Long version:  For the sake of ticket price, my travel days covered pretty much 2 full days: one day going, one day returning. I had long layovers, so I wandered the airport, watched a movie on my laptop, and took pictures of the birds inside the Denver airport (as shown above).  I spent Tuesday night at my grandparents, then went down to the city of Provo on Wednesday, which was my vacation destination. Cuz apparently it's a happening place. Actually, the truth is I went there because that's where most of my friends live/work, and where my brother Jaron is right now at school. Since I prefer doing fun things with people, I just had to go to where I had a high friend concentration.  aka Provo. I paid a long overdue visit to see my cousin Madi because she's cool, and my Aunt Steph because she picked me up. I have no pictures to prove these things, so just believe me.