"A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you've been taking." Earl Wilson

Short version of my post: Basically, I went on vacation (yay!!!), slept little, and laughed much.
Long version:
 For the sake of ticket price, my travel days covered pretty much 2 full days: one day going, one day returning. I had long layovers, so I wandered the airport, watched a movie on my laptop, and took pictures of the birds inside the Denver airport (as shown above).

 I spent Tuesday night at my grandparents, then went down to the city of Provo on Wednesday, which was my vacation destination. Cuz apparently it's a happening place. Actually, the truth is I went there because that's where most of my friends live/work, and where my brother Jaron is right now at school. Since I prefer doing fun things with people, I just had to go to where I had a high friend concentration.  aka Provo.
I paid a long overdue visit to see my cousin Madi because she's cool, and my Aunt Steph because she picked me up. I have no pictures to prove these things, so just believe me.
Thursday morning it snowed, and it took forever to convince myself to get out of bed. When I finally did, my friend Sharon and I went on a ropes course (indoor, thankfully). I think we're so photogenic that we should be in the advertisements for this place. [I say that because I had an employee take our pictures, and I'm noticing how many have the "ropes course" sign in them. Although we are pretty cute.]

Sharon is a monster at this thing. She crosses the rope bridges, rope swings, and planks very quickly. Me, on the other hand, well, I did every obstacle, but I went slower...

 I also got to see my friend Hillary, who I hadn't seen since before her LDS mission to Italy (totally cool, right?). She loves taking and looking at pictures, so I just gave her a slideshow of camera shots (with commentary) to update her on the last year or so. Then we added another picture to the compilation.

I really wanted to spend some time with my brother Jaron, but he is super involved in school (translation: friends and school clubs). I finally got to meet up with him while he was on his way to his prosthetics club. I think his contribution is photographer, cuz I'm pretty sure he knows next to nothing about prosthetics. He's crazy...
Sharon voted! yay!

 I warned Jaron that I was going to stalk him on Friday. He had told me which buildings his classes were in, so I waited in one til I saw him, then I pounced. I sat through his biology and chemistry classes, but really I was on facebook or playing games on my phone. Which means I fit in with a lot of the other students. :)
Afterwards we went to eat at J Dawgs, which is the ONLY hot dog I will ever eat. It's amazing.
See our faces below after enjoying deliciousness.
 We also went to the Museum of Art on campus, and saw the Andy Warhol exhibit. I think this one's called "Silver Pillows" or something like that. You walk into this room that has a bunch of mylar 'pillows' blown about by various fans. It's relaxing. Like watching fish.

>O  >O  >O >O  >O  >O   >O   >O    O<   
(those are fish)

 Because it was the weekend before Halloween, there were, of course, Halloween activities. Sharon and I dressed up and went to a party, and were thrilled that no one could guess our true hair color. Oh, and we danced to the Waka Waka, because we have to do that everytime we see each other.

We didn't stay out too late, because we had a zombie chase in the morning. It was a 5K with a bunch of obstacles like crawling into "graves" under barbed wire, climbing over tires, walking across a suspended net with zombies poking at you from underneath, crawling through pipes, and running through bubbles as 'decontamination' at the end. Throughout the course, 'zombies' would jump out, chase you, or just plain lurk. Jaron joined us for that; he was supposed to chase the zombies away from us, but sometimes he offered us as bait.

 After we finished the race, the course officials played "Zombie" by the Cranberries. I love that song :)

 Sunday was absolutely gorgeous, so after church Sharon and I went on a picnic up Provo Canyon. She certainly knows how to make a sandwich (reference to the movie "Emma").
I definitely don't see this in Houston

I think I should take vacations more often.


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