
Showing posts from April, 2013

Attention on Ativan

Yes, this is another nursing post. I've had a REALLY anxious patient for the past couple of days. She questioned every part of her care (which actually is a good thing. I like when my patients are involved in their care. It's like they are paying attention to what I do) and then became agitated when we answered. Sample conversation: what does my EKG show? Answer: Sinus Rhythm with PVC's. What are PVC's? Those are when the bottom part of the heart pumps blood a little too early. Why do I have that? There are many causes, but in your case infection, stress are most likely the causes. I thought the conversation was going really well. Negatory. She was freaking out. I didn't know why. I really wanted to give her Ativan (anti-anxiety drug). But I was thinking that if I told her why she was getting Ativan, she would freak out some more, and not really like me either. Why not give it to her without telling her? I don't particularly like excluding patients from making

mid-week trips to mid-life-crisis products in the middle of Texas

My first year in college, my parents (in my opinion) hit a mid-life crisis and bought a summer home in Wimberley, TX. I suppose now they have hit a mid-mid-life crisis, because just 7 odd years later, they are selling it and moving to Utah. Strangely enough, I'm more attached to this summer home than the home where I spent all of my adolescent years. So under pressure of losing it, I took a trip up to Wimberley to prove to my future forgetful self that I love this place. The trip was a one-man deal, since no one else had off, or wanted to go. This made taking pictures of me in Wimberley a little difficult, but very entertaining. Timed shots are wonderful as long as you know where to pose and can get there in 10 seconds. I went down to the river in the neighborhood to let fish nibble my toes and to practice skipping rocks. Mostly I just get 1 skip, but for one rock, I got 3. I wish I had pictorial proof. I actually had to wait for the sun to come out before