mid-week trips to mid-life-crisis products in the middle of Texas

My first year in college, my parents (in my opinion) hit a mid-life crisis and bought a summer home in Wimberley, TX. I suppose now they have hit a mid-mid-life crisis, because just 7 odd years later, they are selling it and moving to Utah. Strangely enough, I'm more attached to this summer home than the home where I spent all of my adolescent years. So under pressure of losing it, I took a trip up to Wimberley to prove to my future forgetful self that I love this place.

The trip was a one-man deal, since no one else had off, or wanted to go. This made taking pictures of me in Wimberley a little difficult, but very entertaining. Timed shots are wonderful as long as you know where to pose and can get there in 10 seconds.

I went down to the river in the neighborhood to let fish nibble my toes and to practice skipping rocks. Mostly I just get 1 skip, but for one rock, I got 3. I wish I had pictorial proof.
I actually had to wait for the sun to come out before going to the river, so I did some souvenir shopping and wandering around the town. Plus I took a bunch of pictures of the house

 In real life, the bed never looked like this. As a side note. Things got too dusty, and since it was a vacation home, we just threw blankets over everything and didn't worry about coordination.
 I seriously wish we had thought of arranging the furniture this way while we actually lived in the house.
 Yeah, I took a picture of the bathroom. Memories of this bathroom: every time I showered, it took me at least 2 minutes to figure out which side of the faucet was for hot water.

I don't like the decor in this room. Stuffed cat in the crib? Seriously? All for the sale of the house, I suppose.

 The realtor stuck signs like this one all over the property. I thought they were kind-of funny.

 Every time I go to Wimberley, I look forward to eating at this restaurant. So this is where I wanted to eat lunch, but they were closed. So if you are ever in the Wimberley area not on a Monday or Tuesday, eat here. IT IS MY FAVORITE RESTAURANT EVER.
where I actually ate lunch. they have cool trees. it's a perk
What with the 2.5 hour drive up there, the day in Wimberley, and the 3 hour drive back (I stopped at Buccee's, plus it started raining, plus I went home a different way. I didn't really speed any more or less than I did coming up), it was a day full of having fun with just me. But that's okay. I think I'm pretty entertaining. I talk to myself, you know. Makes keeping a blog a little easier.


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