
Showing posts from August, 2013

no sweat

I've broken another one of my unspoken rules. I've joined a gym. Yes, it's true. I told myself I'd never join a gym, because this doesn't compare to this : You should get the picture, but I'll spell it out as well. As a sort of punishment for my logical self.  Up til now, of course, I haven't been a gym member, but I've gone on guest passes, and used the gyms at school and now at work. I get bored with gyms. Ellipticals are great exercise, but my brain falls asleep. In college, I'd study anatomy or Spanish grammar while running on the treadmill, but that's a tripping hazard, can also make me get motion sickness, and isn't enjoyable. And that's just cardio stuff. I see even less potential in weights. Okay, technically, I see even less potential of me using the weights. The odds of me lifting go up if there is a diagram showing me what to do, but I lack any motivation to do more than 2 sets of 10. And that's once

word to my mother

I say 'word' because I don't have any pictures in this post to prove the point, which is that my mother visited me and that she's hilarious. So take my word that my mother is awesome. And that she was here. Unfortunately, the day I picked her up from the airport, I had just done my very first session of P90X plyometrics. It became the joke of the visit. I couldn't walk fast, getting up and sitting down was quite painful, and lying still only had the perk of not straining anything. I would have avoiding stairs altogether for several days, but my room is on the 2nd floor. My mother claimed that between the two of us, I was the old lady. True 'dat. The main occasion for the visit was for the defense of her dissertation (did I mention that my mother is awesome). So on Thursday we went up to Rice University to prepare, and I found this gem in the IT department: if you need any assistance on devious plans. or at least that's how I interpreted it  I also sa