word to my mother

I say 'word' because I don't have any pictures in this post to prove the point, which is that my mother visited me and that she's hilarious. So take my word that my mother is awesome. And that she was here.
Unfortunately, the day I picked her up from the airport, I had just done my very first session of P90X plyometrics. It became the joke of the visit. I couldn't walk fast, getting up and sitting down was quite painful, and lying still only had the perk of not straining anything. I would have avoiding stairs altogether for several days, but my room is on the 2nd floor. My mother claimed that between the two of us, I was the old lady. True 'dat.
The main occasion for the visit was for the defense of her dissertation (did I mention that my mother is awesome). So on Thursday we went up to Rice University to prepare, and I found this gem in the IT department:
if you need any assistance on devious plans. or at least that's how I interpreted it

 I also saw this iconic American symbol for processed meat.
If I were an Oscar Meyer weiner, everyone would be in love with me
During her dissertation, I sat quietly listening to a bunch of statistics, and occasionally reminding my mother to turn off her screensaver, because pictures of her family would come up, and then the panel would smile at me.
We didn't stay up late celebrating, because someone between us was an old lady, but the next day we went to the Egyptian exhibit at the Museum of Natural Science. Because their billboard said to 'Ankh if you love your Mummy.'

That above is the icon of polyglots. Speaking of, my sister and I took our mother to Half Price Books, and I found a book on learning Japanese. That's my next project.


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