groceries get complicated

Lately the grocery store has been a source of amusement.
I went to Randalls with my roommate after a yoga class, and the self-checkout was giving me problems with the 50% off soymilk that I was trying to buy. So a cashier person came over and hit a bunch of buttons on several different screens, one of which asked for a birthdate (which mystified me). When I got my receipt, I looked at it and noticed something unusual.
I turned to the cashier "Why is liquor on my receipt?"
"Don't worry about it"
I think I know why it was asking for my birthday. 

More recently, I went to H-E-B, and was in the dairy section considering the yogurts when I was approached by an Italian man who asked if he could tell me something.
I'm going to summarize what he said, or rather, just get to the important part. After talking about my ethnicity, my outfit, and my job, he asked for my number.
Once I left the store (sans yogurt), I called my friend who served her church mission in Italy and told her the story.
"Yep, that sounds like an Italian man. They are pretty forward."
I was laughing the whole way home.


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