
Showing posts from February, 2014

the cup song

I tell you what, I am learning so much on movie making and music mixing. Two audio tracks, one video file, and a lot of hours. Good thing this isn't my full-time job


per request, a requiem

Truth be told, I am not even sure what a requiem is. But I know it deals with music. I tend to stretch things a little bit to fit my blogging needs. Anyway, it was unanimous (actually, it could not be any other way than unanimous, since only one person voted) that more music videos should be posted. Ta da

cheeky, cheeky you

Most of the time, I don't think I live up to my hair, despite the fact that it is on top of me [aha, aha, bad joke]. Unlike the stereotypical red head, I'm fairly quiet. Or maybe just relatively quiet. I actually talk to myself a lot. In my head, because it's not necessary to voice such thoughts when both parties of the conversation reside in the same skull. So I found myself giving myself a little scolding because some bravado leaked out from my hair to my tongue. I had just gone to the temple  (so you'd think I'd be all calm and stuff), and decided I had time to kill in-between errands, so I spur-of-the-moment thought I'd go to the mall. So I got into the left lane to make a u-turn, using my turn signal OF COURSE, and noticed that when I made the u-turn, the USPS truck behind me made the u-turn. Then I turned into a street to go to the mall, and the mail truck turned in. Then I turned into the parking lot, and the mail truck turned in. I was pretty suspiciou

Black Coffee and White Lies

This is the story of the development of a character(istic) called Wyte Lie. Let me give you a description of Mr. Lie (and by the way, those defender-of-the-unnoticed-offense out there who might say "Why is this character male?!, he is male because Wyte sounds like a male name. Arbitrary.) He is quite appealing, really. Not sure what it is; I think it's a family trait. All Lies are pretty mysterious, and yet have a talent of asserting themselves. Wyte is probably the most popular, and is found engaging in most conversations. But I think the appeal is superficial. You see, he has a habit of getting you into messes and not helping you out of them. And then you wish that you had never befriended Wyte Lie at all. I remember running into Wyte Lie at work a couple of months ago. I ran into him, you see, because that day was particiularly busy, so I was running most of the time anyway. A kitchen worker I passed by asked how I was doing, and when I responded that I was tired, th