cheeky, cheeky you

Most of the time, I don't think I live up to my hair, despite the fact that it is on top of me [aha, aha, bad joke]. Unlike the stereotypical red head, I'm fairly quiet. Or maybe just relatively quiet. I actually talk to myself a lot. In my head, because it's not necessary to voice such thoughts when both parties of the conversation reside in the same skull.
So I found myself giving myself a little scolding because some bravado leaked out from my hair to my tongue.
I had just gone to the temple (so you'd think I'd be all calm and stuff), and decided I had time to kill in-between errands, so I spur-of-the-moment thought I'd go to the mall. So I got into the left lane to make a u-turn, using my turn signal OF COURSE, and noticed that when I made the u-turn, the USPS truck behind me made the u-turn. Then I turned into a street to go to the mall, and the mail truck turned in. Then I turned into the parking lot, and the mail truck turned in. I was pretty suspicious at this point. I mean, where were the mailboxes anyway? Then I parked close to a department store, and the mail truck parked next to me. So I got out [yup, dumb] and told the man, "I thought you were following me." He then starts to chew me out for driving and nearly causing an accident and he's only delivering our mail and drivers are so stupid, and I wasn't sure when this was going to end. So I walk up to him, pick his hand off of his leg (mail trucks don't have windows, you know), shake it, and say "Thank you for delivering our mail. I've got to go." Then I turned around and left. He continued to scold me, so I hid out in Ross Department Stores for a bit (actually I bought some cute exercise pants. Win!) until the coast was clear.
Missy, you could have found a police station. Or taken down the license plate. Or done any other SANE thing that does not involve getting out of your car (for one) and then approaching the man (for two).
I got a knock on my door later that day, and when I opened it and saw a mailman with a package for me, I nearly freaked out. Wasn't the same guy, and it wasn't even the same company, but logic rarely overrides emotional reflex in such moments.
I hope this doesn't impact my mail delivery.


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