The Fam

I sincerely hope that thoughts really do count; I have been thinking about blogging this post for three weeks now. I wonder if the longer I think about it, the more it counts...

I journeyed once again to Utah last month to visit my parents. When my dad picked me up from the airport, he told me that he took a healthy challenge to drink 3 green smoothies that week, so could I make 3 green smoothies during my visit?
I suspect he would have chosen a different challenge if I hadn't visited.

Really, though, I had a blast. We went to see Man of la Mancha, which was absolutely riveting. We also saw Fiddler on the Roof (which was really cold, as it was up in Sundance), and I got to thinking. I think Latter-day Saints should come up with a musical as funny, poignant, and culturally appropriate as that play is for Jewish people. Although since I've never been Jewish, I am making an educated assumption.
That's my dad's ear. He didn't want to be in the picture
The stage. It has roofs.
 We also went zip-lining down the Provo Canyon, where we learned from our guide that saying 'panties' is a sure way to get people to smile for photos.
I didn't take any photos for that, nor did I for when we went wakeboarding, as I have not yet invested in a waterproof, shockproof, user-proof camera. But, because I want you to experience what I did, I have drawn pictures.

There are actually more trees than this, but I got tired of copying and pasting.

My last day with them, I programmed the car remotes to the garage door. My dad has been asking me to do that for the last year. It was a parting gift, to remember me by.


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