
I've been studying for graduate entrance exams (which hopefully will excuse my blogging absence), and I've rediscovered something that I knew when I was two: language is difficult.
Ironically, I discovered this while studying prefixes and roots, which are supposed to aid me in figuring out the meaning of any word (assuming it is Greek or Latin based). Instead I find myself pondering how two such different meanings could be linked to the same root. Examples:
Ami. means love (amorous) also means friend (amiable). May explain the friend zone, although if ami is love AND friend, maybe there IS no friend zone.
Bell. means pretty (belle) and war (belligerent). Were wars fought for beauty (well, check on the Trojan War), or did some ancient culture think wars were pretty? Is this why love and war are paired in "All's fair in love and war"?
Fort. means luck (fortuitous) and strong (fortify). Usually, if someone says, "oh, you were just lucky in that game," they are NOT saying the fortunate "you" is strong.

It is quite possible that my study guide is not providing me with the needed explanations on these mismatched connections. That's one more reason to dislike my study guide. It has already told me that I have been totally hidden away in a dark cave for years because I did not know that Jack Nicklaus is a golfer.
Well, the joke's on you, book. If I get into grad school, I will be hidden away in a dark cave for years.


  1. Seriously? That's awesome! Where are you applying for grad school?


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