
Showing posts from May, 2015

Darling it's better down where it's wetter

I imagine I am not the only one to blog about the '2015 Houston flood.' But I'm definitely the only one to blog with a handicapped first finger because I sliced it on a plastic hummus container while I was opening it. Dang it. Just when I think I'm handling things well. I knew it was raining really hard during the night, because I could hear it. But I am really bad about caring about things while I'm trying to sleep. The fire alarm went off during the night as well, but I ignored that too. I did get up when my landline phone rang, and informed me in a computer voice that school was cancelled. I don't go to school, [and also have no idea how they got my number, since I have told only one person, and that person lives in Utah] but I still should have picked up on the rising tension. However, as I am beginning to realize, I'm more of the character in a book who has all of these clues presented to her but doesn't put the pieces together until later for dra

felicitous felines

Although I've been saying that I foster kittens for the past 9 weeks, it has only been true in the loosest sense, which is that I am supporting a friend who is fostering kittens. BTW, she's sort-of famous now, since the Huffington Post has written an article using her photography. But now I am fur real (ha ha) fostering, because I took two of the 8 kittens she had to 1) reduce the kitten count in her apartment, and 2) help the kitten that I am going to adopt to get used to the change of scenes and scents. That may seem like a bad idea, because I already feel a lot of life stress, but I don't find it stressful at all, really. I find it hilarious. Like how both kittens have a shoe fetish, and prefer to sharpen their claws on my airwalks rather than on the nice scratching mats I got for them. Or how Nephy has decided that every time I get on the floor it means that I must have a treat for her. Or how they think that any food I'm eating is really for them [no, I have no