Darling it's better down where it's wetter

I imagine I am not the only one to blog about the '2015 Houston flood.' But I'm definitely the only one to blog with a handicapped first finger because I sliced it on a plastic hummus container while I was opening it. Dang it. Just when I think I'm handling things well.

I knew it was raining really hard during the night, because I could hear it. But I am really bad about caring about things while I'm trying to sleep. The fire alarm went off during the night as well, but I ignored that too. I did get up when my landline phone rang, and informed me in a computer voice that school was cancelled. I don't go to school, [and also have no idea how they got my number, since I have told only one person, and that person lives in Utah] but I still should have picked up on the rising tension. However, as I am beginning to realize, I'm more of the character in a book who has all of these clues presented to her but doesn't put the pieces together until later for dramatic effect.
So yeah, I got up finally, 3 minutes before my alarm courtesy of landline phone, and started getting ready for work. Recently that includes taking my canine shadow on a short walk to prevent smelly messes. So I leashed her up, and proceeded down the stairs.

As the above scene appeared before my eyes, I proceeded back up the stairs, took a look out a nearby window, and realized I had recently been upgraded to a secluded castle complete with moat.

Free of charge, too.

I ran to check my car in the garage beneath the apartments, and here would like to point out that it was completely dry because I miraculously found a parking spot on the upper level when I came home from work last night, which has never before happened.

So after establishing security of self and possessions, I contacted work to let them know that unfortunately my home upgrade did not come with a bridge. Okay, that's not what I said. But it still has to be a pretty good reason, because much like the U.S. Postal System, hospitals operate through rain and storm and dark of night, 24/7. Which is why they told me to keep checking the roads and come in when I could.
I'll kill the suspense now and tell you that never happened. To this minute, there is still water on the road,  but at a trespassable level. But my 'shift' has been over for over an hour, so it didn't happen in a timely fashion.
But because I'm that character in the book who doesn't know how things will develop, I kept checking for the water to recede. At this point, my primary reason was because my dog kept scratching my arm letting me know that she had to go, but didn't understand the whole moat situation and declined to go on anything except grass.
not yet


finally! at noon!

The camping experience, like most camping experiences, would have been more enjoyable with a/c and running water. Water, water, everywhere! But not a drop to drink.
And this is where I get scolded for not having water storage beyond one to two days.


  1. Dude - that's insane! I'm kind of jealous of your mote. We stayed up to watch the lightening storm, but nothing really interesting happened in our neighborhood. I'm really happy your car was ok though.


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