This is The One!

It occurred to me, while making an attempt at journaling, that I had written a blog post about societal problems and work as my first post to Facebook since Mark and I (but mostly Mark) announced our engagement on that esteemed social Gazette.
This, I realized, is probably not what people want nor expect to read. They probably are hungry for the tidbits and teasers of our relationship that I have been keeping in reserve.

You may safely assume that I love him.
But let me help you with more details.

Mark and I share many commonalities. We're both well-read, nerdy, analytical, practical, obsessed with milk, come from Swedish ancestry [that really has nothing to do with our compatibility], have 3 siblings [ditto], appreciate The Outdoors, etc. etc. (I'll spare you the rest). So the idea of opposites attracting is really only demonstrated in temperature: he generates heat, and I generate cold
[in the strict physiological sense, you can't generate cold, but my hands and feet don't seem to know that].

Photo by Bryson Strupp
I'm not sure who is more silly, but I do know that I am more funny out of sheer non-funniness. In other words, I make lots of puns and tell weird stories. The first time I met his family, I shared a not-so-politically-correct joke (not that I accept the stereotypes, but sometimes stereotypes are funny. I don't know why.) that maybe did not give a good first impression.

Other interesting firsts:
The first time he tried to kiss me, I had no idea what was going on, so we ended up bumping foreheads.
The first time I reached for (and held) his hand, he asked if I was crazy.
The first time he told me he loved me, we were under the Century Tree at Texas A&M, and unbeknownst to us our subsequent kiss had the full audience of a tour group of new students.

The entire development of our relationship has gone so smoothly (even with commuting between Houston and College Station) that we both are in awe that it's working so well.
I'm sure bumps will come up, but right now we haven't hit them, and we probably won't for a bit because we're still falling in love.


  1. Aweeeeee! This is so cute!! I'm so glad y'all have found each other!

  2. This is adorable - and I'm so happy you are happy. I remember sitting next to you when you I first got to Houston, and we talked about boys, and you explained to me they were significantly less interesting to you as you got older.

    I'm happy you found one to catch your interest.


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