
Showing posts from May, 2016

Crash Course on Marriage

The older I get, the more I realize that counting on an ideal situation is ludicrous. There are just too many factors going in--other people, the weather, etc.--and though you can remind some of them, you cannot control any of them. And don't forget that you are imperfect, too. The good news is that this makes the end result pretty hilarious. good-lookin', right? For weeks before my wedding, my mother had been worried about what to do with my hair. I long ago realized that I can't "make" it do anything, but we agreed I'd wear it in curling rags the night before. It turned out lovely, I successfully did my own makeup, and we were out the door and driving to the Salt Lake Temple for the wedding ceremony pretty much on time. And then I realized I forgot my dress. One would think, since I forgot my dress before my bridal shoot and had to drive back (a whole 12 minutes) to get it, that I would not repeat the mistake. Nope. And this time, th