The cat, you idiot!

When confronted with a decision between a pet dog and a pet cat, a comfortably-sedated girl chose the cat, no question. Forget the dog.

My then-fiancé and I vaguely considered the same decision as we were evaluating what changes marriage would bring, and if apartment restrictions would make us choose. How can one choose a favorite child-from-two-separate-species-not-related-to-you? We decided we'd decide later.

"Later" came without my permission and without our consent when I got word that my dog had run away from the pet sitter while I was out of town. She is an odd-looking dog (hairless except for a Mohawk), so I'm not sure anyone would take her in, but she was super smart and loyal and quiet and didn't lick people and she loved me.

My cat does not have those qualities.

She sheds a bunch even when I comb the loose hairs out; I find cat hair clinging electrostatically to edges of tea cups and on floor mats.
Yes, she's around my leg.
Sometimes I think she is smart, and sometimes I think, "cat, you idiot". She stalks twist-ties, tries to dig the wood floor [this might be standard cat behavior, but it doesn't make sense to me], and I have seen her chase her tail. But then she can figure out how to get into anything (which should take some brain power), and even knows how to open the accordion door to the laundry room. Maybe this is the cat equivalent of street-smart but school-dumb.
I think Ruby vaguely recognizes me as her caregiver, but if someone else fed her and rubbed her tummy, I'm sure she'd switch loyalties.
Most of the time, my cat is quiet. But sometimes, she decides to race around the apartment, probably run into something, and scare herself (which makes her squeak. She also squeaks when jumping onto something high.).
Okay, I think Ruby doesn't lick people, so she can have that positive quality.
I think she likes people, because she likes to sit on or near Mark and me, but as I said, she's not that partial.

She is watching TV with us, for some reason
Seems like most of the time, she's in her own make-believe world. She probably has an imaginary friend now that her dog friend is gone.

She loves the paper-and-elastic bag tags.
An odd one, to be sure, but she's super cute, and most of the time, that's enough.


  1. She is definitely a cutie and let me scratch around her ears. I think she is adorable!

  2. She is super cute! I love mark's fave in that last photo. He might not be too sure of her. Haha.


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