Heels over Head

Don't let the idiom-allusion in the title mislead you--this post is not about love.
Well, not directly anyways.

It deals more with position.
As in standing up, sitting down, etc.

I had a moderate tendency in childhood to black-out if I stood up too fast. It happened less and less as I got older, either because a) I got older; or b) I got smarter and tried to drink more water and not rapidly change position.

But in the past few months, there's been a spike in black-outs.
I only share this because oh, they are good.

Mark, after preparing for several months, took a language proficiency test in German, which was his last hurdle before crossing the finish line into Master's Degree. I was sitting down when he got the news on the test results--and at this point I would like to say that maybe it is better to take news standing--so when he shouted excitedly that he had passed, I jumped up exuberantly to hug him...and slumped to the floor. Fortunately I had gone for an overarm hug, which meant that Mark was able to catch me before my head hit the ground. Once I could see and move again, we called our parents to share the news. And now my father-in-law likes to claim that I was so surprised/shocked that Mark passed that I passed out.

Since that time [July], Mark has gotten so used to my black-outs that he'll just comment, "Stood up too fast?" and then we move on. No biggie. Just a temporary loss of vision.

Which leads to this past weekend. After being awake for hours all by myself, I heard him stirring around noon [He's a night owl. I'm an early bird. We survive]. Ecstatic that he was finally awake, I jumped up and careened around the hall corner to the bedroom--and face-planted right onto the bed. Mark glanced over his shoulder at me and casually asked, "Stand up too fast?"
Yes, yes I did.
And now I'm laughing hysterically because I am picturing it from his perspective--he wakes up, gets out of bed, and then his wife comes running around the corner and crash-lands on the (admittedly soft) bedspread.
Nothing much unusual.

She's just head-over-heels for him.


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