Lots Of Varied Experiences

Love is a weird state, but I'd rather be in Love than anywhere else.
As long as Mark is there with me.

The Young Women in our church congregation threw a Valentine's dance this weekend as a fundraiser for Girls' Camp. Mark suggested that we go, and who am I to turn down a man's offer to dance, especially when he is the Love-of-My-Life?

So armed with that-one-free-dance-lesson-we-had-together-last-year, we showed up to show off.
Just Kidding.
We showed up to have fun.
Which is what we had.

We slow-danced, we upbeat-danced, we swing-danced, and after a rough start, we sort-of latin-danced. Or at least we danced while a Latin song was playing. That's like the same thing, right?
Altogether we are dance novices, but I was happy, and he was happy, and nobody told us to leave the dance floor. So it was a success.

We retreated to a table to snack on some goodies, and got recruited to play a version of The Newly-Wed Game. Which I've never played before, and if you haven't either, it involves guessing how your partner would answer a question. So once again we went onto the dance-floor-which-is-now-the-game-floor, and faced off with two other couples. One of the couples had been married for years, and another couple was actually a pair of friends, but they probably had more on us time-wise. We're 9 months in a marriage that began after 10 months of dating. Still newbies.

So when asked what celebrity Mark most resembled, I had no idea what he would think. I guessed he didn't know many actors (but actually, now that I'm not under pressure, he knows quite a few), and so went with a famous, well-respected scientist.

Stephen Hawking.
Image result for stephen hawking

Good thing I had just 5 minutes prior described Mark as "tall, dark, and handsome" into the mic.
Regardless, the audience thought it was hysterical. And I had to laugh, too, because clearly that wasn't the best person to pick.
Next, I guessed he was most like a Twix; he put Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Strike 2.
Lastly, I guessed that the thing he couldn't live without was Pop-Tarts. He put X-box. Strike 3.

The game rotated to the opposite partners to guess.
What animal would I say my mother-in-law represented? I suggested a meerkat (we had been to the zoo that week); it seemed like a safe answer. He put grizzly bear. Semi-awkward, that.
Next question: who is the better driver? Oh, that's fine. I said Mark was, and that was what he had guessed. Yay! Our first point!
Last question: what would be the first thing I bought if I won the lottery?
I wasn't sure what he would think I would think.
There are so many things that could be the "right" answer: a house, a car, a vacation, lots of food from Rodizio's...but I settled on "couch." It was the first thing to pop in my head, actually. I wish our apartment had room for a bigger couch, but until that happens, we have a donated couch that sinks in the middle.
Well, folks, Mark--the man of my heart--guessed couch.

He is my soul mate.💕
btw, mine says "Partner in Crime"


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