
Showing posts from March, 2017

If at first you don't get a break, try try again

Last week was my school's summer break, so Mark and I planned a small getaway that fit around my work schedule and still allowed me time to play catch-up on schoolwork. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to graduate. We decided on visiting NASA, because that's just really cool. Mark booked a hotel so that we could also do some other things in the area without worrying about driving back. Tuesday morning, Mark felt like he was coming down with something, so we didn't leave until later in the day to accommodate for nap time. I drove us down to Webster, which is technically the town where the Space Center is, and we headed to our hotel. It looked really nice and comfy. Unfortunately, when the receptionist looked up our reservation, it was for the following week. And they were booked this week. Oops. Well, we had a nice drive down. At least we could catch some dinner before heading back. Mark convinced me to have some Buffalo Wild Wings, and even convinced me to get three diff