If at first you don't get a break, try try again

Last week was my school's summer break, so Mark and I planned a small getaway that fit around my work schedule and still allowed me time to play catch-up on schoolwork.
Oh my gosh, I can't wait to graduate.
We decided on visiting NASA, because that's just really cool. Mark booked a hotel so that we could also do some other things in the area without worrying about driving back.
Tuesday morning, Mark felt like he was coming down with something, so we didn't leave until later in the day to accommodate for nap time.
I drove us down to Webster, which is technically the town where the Space Center is, and we headed to our hotel. It looked really nice and comfy. Unfortunately, when the receptionist looked up our reservation, it was for the following week. And they were booked this week.
Well, we had a nice drive down. At least we could catch some dinner before heading back.
Mark convinced me to have some Buffalo Wild Wings, and even convinced me to get three different wing flavors to share.
Super cute, right?

But let's face it, he ate most of them. [Partly because I thought they were too spicy, and partly because we have significantly different energy requirements.]

And then we drove back home and slept in our own bed. Which is great. I like our bed.

Conveniently, I was also free the day we had actually reserved the hotel room, and Mark was feeling better, so yesterday we re-packed our overnight bags and set off after I had gotten back from my clinical rotation. And taken a nap.

We like naps.

Mark drove us down to Webster again, and we went to the Putt-Putt Fun House.
It was pretty deserted, because it wasn't Spring Break anymore, so we got to look at all the really cool illusion/coordination/puzzle activities [really absolutely awesome. I mean it.] without any competition.
It also meant that we could play both courses in Putt-Putt golf.
We termed our competition "Red v Blue"
I am not particularly consistent in sports. I got a hole-in-one, but I also got a score of "lots" because there was one hole where Mark stopped counting after my 8th stroke. [The hole was on an uphill slope. Every time I hit the ball, it would roll back to me.]
Mark got two holes-in-one, and didn't spend 8 strokes getting the ball in the hole, so he beat me.

But maybe this was to my advantage, because he let me pick where we ate dinner. And I had him try banh mi. And it was delicious. #NobisPublicHouse

After dinner, we went to a theater that plays older releases. We don't really go to the movies normally, but tickets were 50 cents each. No tax. Movie theater screen and sound system.
Totally beats renting a movie online.
We picked Arrival, which is even harder on my brain than Interstellar or Inception. I'm still trying to figure it out.

After coming back to our normal time-space existence, we checked into our hotel (yay! right day!) and snuggled for a bit before sleep.
Mark didn't sleep very well, which I knew because I had to rescue him from his nightmares a couple times during the night. Usually I talk to him once he starts shouting for help, but I resorted to just poking him until he woke up. I was sleepy.

Over breakfast, he told me that he must have left his rather-important immune meds at home, because he couldn't find them last night, so once again we left the Bay area without actually going to NASA.

On the plus side, it means we got to nap once we got home.

NASA, we'll get there. Eventually.
Image result for nasa memes


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