Deep in the Heat of Texas

It's a shame that summer break in Texas means that free time is aligned with the super hot outside.

But fun fact, this past weekend in San Antonio was 10 degrees F cooler than Houston. Less humid, too.
Like reverse osmosis, the city drew us in.
Which may be why our favorite part of the trip was the Riverwalk.
Mark, the Riverwalk, and a boat in the background
For some reason, we did not take many pictures of the favorite trip event.
This is a red tunnel on the Riverwalk. It made us look sunburned

You will just have to go see for yourself.

Apparently the Riverwalk was partly designed with recommendations from the company who also designed Disneyland--which makes the Riverwalk the closest I've been to a palpable Disney enterprise. Also apparently, the history of the Riverwalk starts in 1536...but I think that's a stretch.

   Interesting sidenote: we got a recommendation for a restaurant on the Riverwalk called Iron Cactus, where Mark experienced mole for the first time and where I kept thinking the place was called the Iron Curtain.

We also got a recommendation (from my dad) to go to the San Antonio temple, which is beautiful, but not on the Riverwalk. We still went.
It has lots of beautiful stained glass and water displays, but again, you will have to see it for yourself.
Fortunately, we (a.k.a. I) took a lot of photos at our last thing-to-do, so here's the beauty of the Japanese Tea Gardens:

I actually ran into somebody from my high school days there, which means that even though Texas is big, it's still a small world.


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