
Once upon a time I was in kindergarten and we had a show-and-tell assignment. I don't remember if the purpose was to show baby pictures or not, but according to the story [poor memory--sorry] I brought pictures of myself as an infant. When I got home after school, my mother asked how the show-and-tell went.
"Oh, it was great. Everybody thought I was the cutest baby they've seen."
Not that my mom didn't think I hadn't been cute as an infant, but suspicious that such a sentiment was widespread, she asked me, "They said that?"
To which I replied, "No, but they were thinking it."

Two decades later, I have the (optional) assignment to bring to work one of my baby pictures as part of an effort from the retention committee to make work Fun. Even though one of my co-workers has been asking for my baby picture for years [I see him like once a month, we don't know each other's names, and quite frankly the request is creepy], I didn't have any evidence on hand that I was ever younger than 8. So I asked my dad to send me some pictures. Which he did, and I rediscovered Myself.
Since the premise of this work baby picture thing is guessing who is which baby, I won't show the picture that I submitted, but I will show you what I personally think is the cutest baby picture EVER (I'm super unbiased here...)
This is before I could sit up on my own, so the feeling that I'm sinking into a little ball of fat baby is even more pronounced here. Seriously, look at those cheeks. Check out the chin(s). It's adorable. I seriously wish I could scoop myself up into a big hug.
I showed it proudly to my co-worker friends, walking extra distance to show it to more people [creepy guy not included].
And then I realized: it's like I'm back in kindergarten, confidently (and narcissisticly) assuming that everyone will think I was the cutest baby ever.

I almost feel chagrined that I haven't matured much...
but then I look at the pic again and feel sure that I am sharing pure, unadulterated cuteness.


  1. I like the circle in this post. How you start and end with show-and-tell from past and present.


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