
Showing posts from August, 2017

Water, Water, Everywhere

EXTRA! EXTRA! 1st-person Account of Being in Houston during Hurricane Harvey! The experience really has not been too bad. Which is kind-of why I haven't posted anything much on social media, because other stories deserve more attention. But diversity is the spice of life, so here is a not-so-scary account of riding the storm. Thursday and Friday of last week was a panic rush to grocery stores and gas stations. But I had gone grocery shopping on Wednesday, so we were okay there; we didn't even try. And Mark filled up with gas in the late evening when the lines didn't occupy the whole parking lot. So nothing much going on there. I did end up cooking a quiche in-between the normal shifts at work, so that we would have some healthy food that is still delicious to eat cold. That's it. Saturday it was raining all day; I knew things would be closed, so Mark and I basically stayed in the apartment and watched episodes of The Wire . [We're on a season that highlights t

Work Hard, Play Hard

Once again I am in-between semesters (yay!). This calls for a trip. Except the trip involved a lot of cramming. Before I could even go, I crammed as much as possible into my brain for my semester final. Then I crammed work, meaning that I worked 2 days in a row and those days were FULL of  running around, frustration, and vows to not work again for a week [quick fulfillment tip: set simple and completely doable goals]. After work, I went with Mark to pick up his car from state inspection, and then packed for our flight early the next morning (those are actually on 2 separate days, but I don't really need to list out the schedule for y'all. and I ate dinner at 8pm and...j.k. that's enough. ) This is how you nap with bling Mark and I flew out to visit my parents in Utah early early [and I hate getting up before 4am. I prefer no movement before 7am, but as life has taught so many before, preferences and reality don't always match.], so the first activity of the tri