Work Hard, Play Hard

Once again I am in-between semesters (yay!). This calls for a trip.
Except the trip involved a lot of cramming.
Before I could even go, I crammed as much as possible into my brain for my semester final. Then I crammed work, meaning that I worked 2 days in a row and those days were FULL of  running around, frustration, and vows to not work again for a week [quick fulfillment tip: set simple and completely doable goals]. After work, I went with Mark to pick up his car from state inspection, and then packed for our flight early the next morning (those are actually on 2 separate days, but I don't really need to list out the schedule for y'all. and I ate dinner at 8pm and...j.k. that's enough.)

This is how you nap with bling
Mark and I flew out to visit my parents in Utah early early [and I hate getting up before 4am. I prefer no movement before 7am, but as life has taught so many before, preferences and reality don't always match.], so the first activity of the trip was a nap.

I love naps. So I napped multiple times throughout the week.

But naps don't really count as a group activity, and it is my family's modus operandi to have group activities.


  • a croquet game where I amazingly made it to 2nd place despite my poor hitting skills, which perhaps I got from my dad, because he unintentionally jumped his ball over the ball he was trying to hit
  • wandering around BYU campus without the need to go to class
  • kayaking in an inflatable boat which got deflated on a rock [maybe that's a lowlight. it would have been fine except for the parts where our butts hit the rocks, too. also, I got a blister]

    father, mother, brother
  • introducing Mark to another family modus operandi: blatant cheating. e.g., taking a long time  to "think" about the correct word on Catch Phrase so that the disc will *beep* when passed to the other team
  • boating, with optional activities of wakeboarding and wakesurfing. fyi, the water is COLD
    Mother of Wakesurfing...
  • I think Mark is secretly asleep here
  • just chillaxing in general! reading, playing sudoku, going on scenic walks/hikes (Utah is not exactly flat...)
    I love being "Us" instead of "me"
    I love this face. And elbow. And scenery
And lastly, I got to eat giant, juicy peaches.
[sometimes, "everything's bigger in Texas" isn't true]

I returned to Texas just in time for another 2 days of running-around-busy work.

I prefer the "play hard" part over the "work hard" part.


  1. This makes me want to go boating and go on a road trip...


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