Success is Measured in Watts

Lately, the hospital work has gotten so demanding that it is incredibly discouraging to face the 12 hours ahead of me. Especially because I have become not-a-morning-person (or at least not until 9am).
Anything that helps the time go either quickly or funly (yes, that's not a word, but I'm using parallel construction here) is a welcome relief. Anything that makes me feel marginally needed helps the day feel like a success.
So I am proud to say that I saved a life yesterday. It was a small life. No bigger than my thumb. Despite its size, there's something definitely out-of-place (one might say it sticks out like a sore thumb. hahaha) in the moth flying the hospital hallways. You know what else sticks out like a sore thumb? A nurse erratically walking the hallway closing her hands on empty air. But by golly, I was gonna save that tiny life. Finally, with a cup and a flier on an upcoming nursing conference, I caught the little guy (or girl. I don't know moth biology) and set it free in the stairwell (which had a wire gating open to the free world).
I also--after two days of uncertain and strained interactions--briefly connected with my Middle Eastern patient. Over cat videos. Turns out they're popular everywhere.
Related imageAnd thank goodness for my wonderful Kansas patient, who cheerfully talked with me for probably an hour, saying how lucky and excited he felt to even be able to have his surgery as a curative option. 

The best days at work are when I get a new perspective, a little light bulb epiphany; some proof that happiness trumps misery, and kindness beats selfishness.

And Light wins.


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