
Showing posts from December, 2017

Lemons, Melons, and Sleep

A couple weeks ago, as I was drifting off to sleep, I realized something that could change my perception of the universe: "lemon" and "melon" are spelled with the same letters . Wow, I thought, I hope I remember this when I wake up. Well, I did remember, but I've spent several weeks trying to figure out the significance of the statement, and I've got nothing. Okay, not quite nothing: lemons and melons are both fruits, and sleep is weird. I've had multiple occasions where I have thought in my semi-conscious sleep state, "Self, this is important, " or "Self, this is hilarious, " but the truth is, in the light of day, these epiphanies are just the illogical musings of a slumbering mind. To my husband's amusement, sometimes my actions while asleep are equally illogical. Apparently I put my pillows on top of my head in the middle of the night, and a couple times I've startled myself awake by finding that I am basically doing