Lemons, Melons, and Sleep

A couple weeks ago, as I was drifting off to sleep, I realized something that could change my perception of the universe: "lemon" and "melon" are spelled with the same letters.

Wow, I thought, I hope I remember this when I wake up.

Well, I did remember, but I've spent several weeks trying to figure out the significance of the statement, and I've got nothing. Okay, not quite nothing: lemons and melons are both fruits, and sleep is weird.
I've had multiple occasions where I have thought in my semi-conscious sleep state, "Self, this is important, " or "Self, this is hilarious, " but the truth is, in the light of day, these epiphanies are just the illogical musings of a slumbering mind.

To my husband's amusement, sometimes my actions while asleep are equally illogical. Apparently I put my pillows on top of my head in the middle of the night, and a couple times I've startled myself awake by finding that I am basically doing the "warrior 3" yoga pose--I have one leg on the ground, and the rest of my body lying flat on the very edge of the mattress.
When I get into my "warrior 3" sleep pose, Mark accuses me of trying to escape in the middle of the night, and to that I say, "with good reason!" Here are some of Mark's antics while asleep:

  • calling out "Hello" right in front of my face, then whacking at my nose when I respond with "Mark?"
  • attempting to vault over me as I lay on my side, putting his hands on my hip so that he can swing his legs over my legs. It didn't work [which is fortunate, because he would have vaulted through the window]
  • grabbing my neck while acting out his dream of catching the cat.
After that last one, I built a little wall of blankets between the two of us, hoping that my sleep could be more restful.
But at the end of the day, when life gives you lemons instead of melons, your dreams may not be as sweet, but at least you're asleep. 


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