
Showing posts from April, 2018

All is Well if Everyone is Happy, Despite Circumstances

I'm starting to believe that Mark and I are destined to experience the odd and improbable. My data so far?    -way abnormal meeting-and-dating story [I'll write about it sometime. It involves dating sisters.]    -equally abnormal wedding due to near-fatal crash of his parents    -currently, uncommon division of labor (I work, he does laundry and dishes and vacuuming and grocery-shopping and volunteering. Although I hope we switch soon.) etc. I'm getting more evidence. This past weekend, my youngest brother got married, so Mark and I flew to Utah to reunite families again. We started with cautiously visiting his brother in SLC. Remarkably, the very morning Dave picked us up from the airport was the morning his sons threw up repeatedly. We stayed away from the house for a little bit playing Battleship at a shooting range. I actually wasn't too bad with the .22 rifle, but Mark still won. Armed with good hand hygiene, Mark and I visited with our two nauseated