All is Well if Everyone is Happy, Despite Circumstances

I'm starting to believe that Mark and I are destined to experience the odd and improbable. My data so far?
   -way abnormal meeting-and-dating story [I'll write about it sometime. It involves dating sisters.]
   -equally abnormal wedding due to near-fatal crash of his parents
   -currently, uncommon division of labor (I work, he does laundry and dishes and vacuuming and grocery-shopping and volunteering. Although I hope we switch soon.)

I'm getting more evidence.
This past weekend, my youngest brother got married, so Mark and I flew to Utah to reunite families again. We started with cautiously visiting his brother in SLC. Remarkably, the very morning Dave picked us up from the airport was the morning his sons threw up repeatedly. We stayed away from the house for a little bit playing Battleship at a shooting range. I actually wasn't too bad with the .22 rifle, but Mark still won.

Armed with good hand hygiene, Mark and I visited with our two nauseated nephews, but went back out to see a tulip festival after dinner with Dave and the remaining un-sick nephew. Apparently the little guy was the instigator of the vomit, but escapes punishment by being cute.

We spent the night in their guest bedroom, and the next morning I went back out for a run, but ended up giving myself a different ailment: intense allergies. Something in the air was making my nose run as well as my legs. I hoped things would de-escalate once Mark and I went to my parents' house.

That's not exactly what happened.

My dad texted me saying that uncannily, they had another septic tank issue that coordinated with one of our visits. Third time running. We might be bad luck.

I continued to sneeze and drip at my parents' house, so I carefully dosed myself with some benadryl [sometimes it can make me hyperactive] and basically slept for most of the first 30 hours of the visit. Oh, and I got a fever. 38.6 degrees Celsius [aka 101.5 F]. I'm kind-of sort-of glad that fever popped up, because otherwise to all appearances I was being a lazy butt. Like, I took a nap, then walked down to their guest bedroom to put away something, then immediately took a nap again. 'Cause that one flight of stairs is a killer, right?
Inconveniently, I got the fever right before my brother's fiancee came over. Which, since I'm the only sibling 2000 miles away, would have been my first opportunity to meet her in person. Instead, I was sent off to get yet-more sleep. It's like I sabotaged myself, because I had been hounding Jaron to make sure I would see her before wedding festivities began.
Of course, eventually the fever broke, so I was cleared to meet her when she came over the next day to set up the reception that night. [For a reason unknown to me, Jaron and Liz had their reception on Friday and were married on Saturday. It worked out pretty well, actually. We even had a fake send-off.]
Lookin' good in navy and pink

The next day, they had a beautiful wedding ceremony in the Payson LDS temple. However, when we moved outside for photos, the sky was particularly clear and the sun particularly bright, so I'm pretty sure my eyes are closed in most (if not all) of those takes. Also, it was really windy, so don't expect nice hair, either.
Not a natural mohawk. And I caught Liz eating

Mark and I have one more developing curse: the day of Jaron's wedding, Mark's brother Dave got rear-ended, prompting Mark to observe that so far, my family weddings lead to his family's auto accidents.
The Happy Couple, unaware of car curse

And by the way, that septic problem? Still ongoing. It created a rivulet of sewer water down our neighbor's property during the reception, and my wound-cleaning skills got called up when my dad lacerated his finger trying to lift the weighty lid off the septic system.

And I defend my Master's project this week.

Life is imperfect. But it can still be fun.
Or at least fun-ny.


  1. When you do post that way abnormal meeting-and-dating story, be sure to clarify that it's about our other sister. The one we never talk about.


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