Life As We* Know It

*"We" being mostly Me. Or rather, I
I have never been on bedrest/restricted activity before. I'm not sure whether it's better to have a bigger home to be bed-rested in (you know, for change in scenery. Right now we only have 1 bed and 1 couch, so my view options are limited...even if you count the ceiling as a scene) or to have small living quarters to ensure I don't have to walk very far to change rooms.
Ruby & I cuddle more now

So far, I have read 2 books, about 10 pounds of nursing journals (I'm not kidding. I stashed all the issues that I hadn't had time to read while in school under my bed, and now I'm catching up. I have written 33 posts on my nursing journal blog since being on medical leave), and various news articles. I've also watched lots of cat videos, several documentaries on the Vietnam war (Mark's choice), and about 2 seasons of a dark comedy Mark and I got into (he's a military history buff, I'm a cancer nurse, so dark comedy is, like, right up our alley. apparently.).

Mark's "salad"
Friends from church have kindly provided some meals for us, since standing isn't my thing right now, which means that Mark has been introduced to various kinds of Salads. He has discovered Italian Dressing. And (a) Spinach with a Vinaigrette. And in case you're wondering, I normally don't give him any salads because I sneak veggies in with the main course [because he usually enjoys veggies better if he doesn't know they're there], and I'd rather eat the salad myself, so there actually is only one course in our typical dinner spread. Anyway, I feel like I may have deprived him a bit, because he is now a big fan of the Italian Dressing.

...does de-cluttering the nursing journals under my bed count?
I've done the dishes a couple times. Sometimes I use the rolling computer chair to sit in and put the dishes away like a living Lazy Susan. Or should I say, Lazy Sadie.
Mark handles the daily laundry anyway, so no pile-up there. I AM supposed to do the Unusual laundry (hand-wash, stain-removal, odd-smelling, dry-clean) but I've been ignoring it. So far so good. We did have a bit of a hitch when 90% of our pillowcases acquired a rancid odor, but we worked around it. We're using Mark's T-shirts as pillowcases instead. He has so many of them that I haven't felt compelled to problem-solve the real pillowcases. It's like a t-shirt quilt, but minus all the cutting and sewing!

Nearly non-existent. Walking is very limited. A couple weeks ago I tried indoor cycling, and although it didn't hurt while doing it, my hip/leg REALLY hurt the next few days, so I gave up on that. I try yoga every so often, but end up skipping a lot of the moves because it is uncomfortable. Let's change this category to:
Limited to the couch or the bed. That's probably normal, though. What's abnormal is the sleeping position I resort to. I've been trying to sleep semi-reclined (because supine, aka flat, usually hurts), but Mark told me one night that I keep saying "Ow" in my sleep, so I took his recommendation of sleeping sitting up, back against the headboard, legs pretzeled [in elementary school we called it "Indian style", but I'm pretty sure that's not P.C.], with my chin resting on a pillow. It works, but only if the pillow is super firm and positioned vertically.

Yeah, it's Weird.

I can deal with Weird.


  1. I’m so sorry that you have been in so much pain and discomfort. Hang tough- you are always in my prayers! Love you!!!!!!


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